STOP THE FLOOD! Emergency Plumbing to the Rescue

A flooded basement is a terrifying situation. Don’t waste precious time panicking – immediate action and an Emergency Plumbing Services Los Angeles County can save your home from major damage.

Step 1: Shut Off the Water!

  • Main Water Valve:** Turn it off immediately to stop water flow to the entire house. It’s often found in the basement, garage, or near your outdoor water meter.
  • Nearest Shut-Off:** If you can locate the leaky area, find the nearest shut-off valve to the pipe break (under a sink, behind the toilet, etc.)

Step 2: Minimize Electric Hazards

  • Power Off:** If water reaches electrical outlets or appliances, turn off power to the flooded area at your breaker box. IF WATER IS DEEP, CALL AN ELECTRICIAN BEFORE ENTERING THE AREA.
  • Unplug Electronics:** Safely remove any plugged-in devices near the water.

Step 3: Call an Emergency Plumber NOW!

  • 24/7 Help is Available:** Don’t hesitate! Search for “emergency plumber near me” or “24-hour plumber [your location]”
  • Prioritize Speed:** In a crisis, focus on finding an available plumber fast. You can be more selective for future non-emergency needs.
  • Your Plumbing History:** If you’ve used a plumber before, even for basic work, call them. They may prioritize existing customers even for emergencies.

Step 4: Salvage What You Can

  • Move Belongings:** If safe, relocate valuable items, furniture, and electronics out of the water’s path.
  • Basic Cleanup:** Mop and use fans to start airflow, but full water removal requires fixing the leak.

Emergency Plumber Resources:

  • Yellow Pages or Online Listings:** Look specifically for those advertising 24/7 emergency service.
  • Recommendations:** Quickly text your neighbors, or post on local social media groups for recommendations from people who’ve had recent plumbing emergencies.


  • Time is Critical:** Fast action and an emergency plumber minimize damage.
  • Safety First:** Never enter deeply flooded areas with the electricity still on.
  • It’s Not DIY Time:** Major leaks need professional plumbing expertise.

Additional Resources:

  • Your Home Insurance:** Reach out to your insurance company right away if there’s major damage.
  • Document the Damage:** Take pictures and videos of the flooding for insurance purposes.